Terra !

work in progress

"...hanging by a thread"   

A few years ago, making a vertical flash mob for the youth of Fridays For Future, I was struck by their commitment and determination. They swirled me inside the climate issue and one concept, in particular, caught my attention as a citizen and artist: the fact that the human presence on planet Earth was "...hanging by a thread!"

A hanging planetarium

From that image, so close to my work where everything hangs from thin, albeit very strong, ropes, came the idea of suspending over the audience's head our planet surrounded by the Moon, the Sun and the other planets! 

Work in progress

The work will develop, from show to show, adapting it each time to the space that hosts it. The earth, moon, sun and planets may be suspended either from a tall tower or building  as well as from a powerful crane truck. 

On the wall of the building or on a screen tensioned by the crane, vertical acrobatics performers will dance on video-projected sets and while circus performers will move on long zip lines near the planets.  

The show is accompanied and supported by the musical forays of an eclectic trumpeter and the vocal charge of an amazing actress who will accompany the entire performance telling with poetic suggestions the complex relationship with our "home."

Watch the video

*** Images and video depict the New Year's Eve event in Cervia where a 4 m diameter Moon was suspended from a 22 m high tower.