what is Vertical Theater?

What I'm passionate about is instilling in the audience a sense of spatial disorientation, deceiving perspective and making them forget that the performers are jumping, dancing and running on an orthogonal floor!

I'm not passionate about categories in the artistic field but if I really have to insert my work into some box, today, the one I feel closest to is that of the contemporary circus where research (because there is no show without research) consists in working with the body, tackling the themes of risk and acrobatics, trying to overcome them through skilful dramaturgy.

Specifically, what defines my favorite discipline are the spaces where theatrical research takes place: vertical space and aerial space. Both indoors and outdoors.

Sia in che outdoor.

If special harnesses are used in the vertical space, the air space can be investigated both through different types of harnesses and with circus-derived instruments such as trapeze, fabrics, hoops, straps, chains, poles, spirals without limits to the imagination...

In the vertical space the actor, the performer, the circus performer move as if they were on a floor rotated by 90°, an orthogonal stage.

The fixed starting point of the movement is the wall/stage.

The airspace, unlike the vertical one, does not have a concrete solid point from which to start the movement which instead arises from the body itself or from the use of tools.

Non cerco un linguaggio poetico ma lavoro affinché la poesia possa scaturire tra le righe dello spettacolo.